Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You're for my eyes only.

This girl is my classmate in Intensive Review, for a month only (sana hindi one month). Previously, she's the one I really want to see (or must-see girl I wanna talk or be with) !!! Honestly speaking, I am really fell in love with her... rating? 8.5/10 and she's the most beautiful and sexiest girl in the whole class. I wanna talk to her personally, pero ang daming panira sa paligid ko, most especially her friend Frank, the addicted one Robin, the much silent-turned into freak Mike and the silent but the words on me gettin' down to it Dianne. But it is okay for me, they're still my friends.Maybe one day she may poke me back or maybe she may add me or accept my friend request in Facebook. Sana makapag-usap na rin kami in private. Not totally private, yung 'di kami kakantsyawan.. A Damn Chick!